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terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Tasty in Fashion

Hi mates!!!

How are you!? I just finished my first DIY. Really fancy.

I think that something fashion has to be really tasty at the same time, don't you think!? So I'll put my newest outfit for you to see.

Soooooooo tasty!!!

By this time you may be asking how did I do it! Pretty easy.

1st - Open www.google.com

2nd - Write on the magical words


And only by 2€ you can have something really fancy.

My inspiration!? My muse tights!!! Off course!!!

Look at that. Aren't they amazing!?

Katnani, thanks once again for making me so happily inspired.


Big hug to you... Big kiss to your MAN!!!

My sweet prince charming

Hi guys! Missed me?? I did! That's why I'm all back! 

This is a picture of the man of my dreams. Lucky you, Nadia (XOXO) you got one!! And he's such a beautiful half-man-half-lady-but-all-charming guy! I will find one, as well. We'll travel far far away and maybe not getting back, who knows. we're too good for these unfashion people. But we'll change the world! We'll get sparkles and glitter all over the place! 

Delight yourselves!! And try these at home! YOU CAN DO THIS!
Tell me, Nadia which one do you choose?! 
And i know why you like leggings, you naughty girl !!!!! we're so similar! i love the way we can appreciate those hills! GO GIRL!


My very first advice

Hi again !! I'm so excited! Can't believe I've a blog... Well, I will tell you a secret... My inspiration is a well-known blogger named Nadia! Yes, it's you! You make me wake up an hour earlier in the morning just to fit my peep toe shoes with my €1 blouse! I TOTTALLY LOVE YOU! 

Well, now back to me... As I said, I will try to give you some advice... Hope you like it. Today I bring these awesome leggings to show you!!

First Post

I'm absolutely all fashion, so I decided to come up with this blog. Why? Because I want to make everyone even more fashion in order to transform this world into a really fashion world. By one hand, I plan to have a sort of clothing diary so you can take your ideas to dress everyday, because I'm really fashion and I think I can advice you so you look gorgeous everywhere, everytime. On the other hand, I'll be posting everything I love about the fashion world!!!
Hope it is useful to you as I'm doing a great effort to have this updated!

Fashion hugs and kisses to everyone!